Standardized Chloropleth maps are very general in their data as well as their appearance and data. In this case this map represents the population of Canada under the age of 14. There is no official cesus data used in the evaluation of this map.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
An isopleth is used in geography and meteorology and in this case the graph shows the chemical reactions in the atmosphere that create ozone. the colors coinside with the chart in amount of reactionary chemicals.
Star Plots
In this star plot the center of the graph represents the most desirable results of the data. It shows the benefits and downfalls of how the variables interact.
Correlation Matrix
Similarity matrix
Stem and Leaf Plots
Stem and Leaf plots are used to project mathamatical data in a relatively simple form. the plot above represents age groups of people sitting at a table. The stem is the 10's ie (3=30) and the leaves is the ones.
Box Plot
Parallel coordinate graph
Parallel Coordinate Graphs are used in genetic mapping of relationships between genes of various types. This graph above shows the relationship between several diffrent genetic codes.
Triangular Plot
Population Plot
Index Value Plot
This graph was used to evaluate stocks and the idea that they are relatively consistant at certain times of the month. This graph was used to show that the variations are relatively consistant due to industry pensions being invested on the same day every month.
Lorenz Curve
Bilateral Graphs
Unclassed Chloropleth Maps
Classed Chloropleth Maps
Chloropleth maps represent various forms of data. A classed chloropleth maps use smaller areas to provide data for. It uses colors to show variations in data like other chloropleth maps.
Range Graded Proportional Circle Map
Range Graded Proportional Circle Maps are used to show statistical data in which one symbol represents several diffrent areas of data. Although it is called a circle graph, circles are not always used to represent data.
Contineously Variable Proportional Circle Map
Proportional Circle maps display data in relation to the relative size of the cirlcles. In this case, the circles represent internet usage in Europe.
DRG is an acronym for Digital Raster Graphics, which is a scanned image of a USGS topographic map. These types of maps are useful in the process of map layering because they are representative of the earth's surface. Furthermore, DRG contain all the standard map collar information.
Isotachs are used in weather forecasting that shows wind direction and variations. It also depicts things like snowfall and rainfall amounts for a certain area.
Doppler Radar
This is a doppler radar image of Hurricane Frances that hit florida in August of 2004. The diffrent colors represent rain bands. The blue color is the lightest rainfall, followed by green, then yellow, then orange, and finally red.
Black and White Aerial Photo
Above is a Black and White Aerial photo of one of the coolest baseball stadiums ever made. This picture is of Wrigley Field, located in Chicago Illinois.
Infared Aerial Photos
Above is an infared aerial photo of a city built in 1978 called the love canal. It was a city built by a buissnessman near the Niagra falls area for his emplyees of his industry. The white areashown on the ground was a contaminated spot due to chemical spillage, and beside it was the 99th street school house.
Cartographic animations
Here is a cartograpic animation of Hurricane Katrina from a satellite photo. As you can see the image is extremely detailed... look how well the eye is defined.. pretty neat!!
Statistical Maps
This map is a map showing the population density of the United States. It is representing where the most dense populations of people are found, and using the peaks as statistical refrence points.
Flow Maps
This is an example of a flow map. Just like its' name conveys, it shows the amount of flow or movement from one are to another. In this case, the map shows the telephone traffic from one country to the other.
Isoline Maps
Proportional Circle Maps
This map is representative of a proportional circle map. This particular map is charting the mineral deposits in Canada.
Chloropleth Maps
Chloropleth maps are thematic maps, this map in particular shows the amount of Hispanic or Latino in the state of Florida. The bolder the colors the more dense the population of Hispanic or Latino. From the map you can see the most dense populations are in the southern half of the state.
Dot Distribution Maps
This map is a representation of the families of our active military soldiers in the state of Ohio. I thought this map was neat because it shows how spread out throughout the state people are wiling to fight for our country. In fact every county in the state of Ohio, is represented by at least one military family.
Propoganda Maps
This an example of a propaganda map which is suppose to show the ideology and feelings Regan had towards the world. As you can see the artist that illustrated this map felt that Regan had an agenda, and specific ideologies about the world and their contribution to the United States.
Hypsometric Map
This is an example of a hypsomertric map used in deciding if a subway running under the city of Goiania, Brazil was possible. this is a picture of the subsurface of the ground in which the subway was to be excavated in. This image helped in the decision to not allow a subway to be constructed under the city due to soil and water issues.
PLSS maps stand for Public Land Survey System Maps. They can encompass many types of data used in georeferencing, as well as land ownership and transfer. This map represents the states in which PLSS is being used, or at least being planned to be used.
Cadastral Maps
Thematic Map
Topographic Map
Planimetric Maps
Mental Map
This is an example of a mental map. It is a representation of an image from a persons mental recollection of an area. It is usually not very accurate to scale, but is effective in a simplistic example of a map.
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